"Tech Tool Decode": Your Tech Whisperer
- True Worth Lies Within -
Tech Tool Decode, a service by human consultants of New Age Content Services LLP, provides unbiased evaluations of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, apps, service, GPTs. It's beneficial to both - the developer as well as clients wanting to buy the tools or apps. We provide the human in the loop to test the tools. No automation, no algorithms.
Benefits for Developers


Increased Visibility
Tech Tool Decode consultancy service's in-depth evaluations help you understand what your tool's strengths and unique selling points truly are.


Valuable Feedback
Our expert human evaluations provide actionable insights that can be used to improve your tool's features, performance, and user experience.


Enhanced Credibility
Partnering with Tech Tool Decode lends credibility to your tool/app.


Faster Time-to-Market
Early identification of potential issues and areas for improvement accelerates your product development cycle.
Feedback and Improvement


Expert Analysis
Our evaluations are conducted by experienced AI professionals with deep understanding of the industry.


Performance Metrics
We assess your tool's performance, speed, accuracy, and usability based on industry-standard benchmarks.


User Experience
Our evaluations cover user interface design, ease of use, and overall user satisfaction.


Actionable Insights
We provide clear and concise recommendations for improvement, helping you address weaknesses and enhance your tool's appeal.
Benefits for Clients Seeking Tech Tools
Informed Decision Making
Our unbiased evaluations help you as a client make informed decisions by providing objective assessments of AI tools.
Time and Resource Savings
You eliminate the need for extensive research and testing by relying on our in-depth evaluations, thus saving time and money.
Reduced Risk
Our due diligence process identifies potential pitfalls, ensuring you invest in a reliable and effective tool.
Access to Expert Insights
Our human consultants offer valuable guidance on AI tool implementation and optimization, maximizing your investment.
Informed Decision Making
What Makes Our Reports Valuable?
  • Objective Assessment: Evaluations are conducted without bias or favoritism. They are also "For Your Eyes Only".
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Reports cover key aspects like performance, features, user experience, and potential risks.
  • Industry-Specific Expertise: Our evaluators have deep understanding of different AI tool categories and applications.
How to Use Our Reports
For potential product buyers: Our reports are designed to help a potential buyer understand the intricacies of the tool, app, product or service. They also help a customer whether the shortlisted tool/service, etc addresses their specific needs and requirements. You can use the reports to identify the best fit for your project, budget, and goals.
For developers: Our reports point out the positives and negatives of the concerned tool or app. They may also suggest/make a roadmap for improvements/changes to weed out these weakness in areas like UI/UX, content, navigation, color schemes, etc.
Time and Resource Savings
Eliminate Research
Tech Tool Decode can provide you a curated list of AI tools, saving you time and effort in researching potential options.
Skip Testing
Our evaluations offer in-depth insights into tool performance, eliminating the need for extensive trial-and-error testing.
Focus on Implementation
By relying on our evaluations, you can skip the research and testing phases, allowing you to focus on implementing the best tool for your needs.
Reduced Risk
Disclaimer For Businesses
We specifically do not evaluate LLMs, AI models, or architectural components.
The Tech Tool Decode consultancy service provides human-generated assessments that aim to offer insights to aid in decision-making but DO NOT constitute a definitive, expert evaluation. Our assessments are made by humans and thus are subjective, and may not be an accurate reflection of the overall quality of a tool, app, or service. To err is human, after all.
Clients/end-users MUST conduct their own independent research and analysis before making any final decisions. This service is intended as a supplementary resource, not a substitute for thorough due diligence. Neither New Age Content Services LLP nor its affiliates shall be liable for any reliance on the information provided under this service. By engaging our services, clients agree to waive any legal claims related to the assessments.
Disclaimer For AI Tool Developers
This service provides human-generated assessments, hence are subjective in nature and should not be considered definitive judgments on the potential or performance of your AI tools, apps, GPTS etc. The assessments focus on the tool's functionality from a user perspective and do not delve into the underlying AI models, algorithms, or architectures.
AI tool developers are advised to conduct thorough internal evaluations and testing to assess the tool's capabilities and limitations. The Tech Tool Decode service is intended to merely provide an additional data point and should not be the sole basis for product development or marketing decisions. Neither New Age Content Services LLP nor its affiliates or subsidiaries shall be held legally liable for any actions taken or decisions made based on the assessments provided.
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